How We Used ChatGTP to Create a Blog Website and its Content in about an Hour for Free

ChatGPT is an amazing tool and in the right hands can achieve amazing results

Giovanni Valdata
7 min readDec 19, 2022
Photo by Possessed Photography on Unsplash

I have been wanting to test the real capabilities of ChatGPT for while. My friend Gianmarco Ebeling, a software engineer, gave me a great idea: why don’t we try to build a super simple blog website with the help of the newly released product by OpenAI? The idea sounded great, and, on a boring and rainy Sunday, we started working.

Given our expertise, we decided to assign the duties as follows: Gianmarco will work with the AI to create a basic structure for a blog website, whereas I will generate the title, logo, and articles.

If you’re interested in looking at the project from Gianmarco’s perspective, click on the following link.

To achieve the best result possible, I elaborated a project structure according to which I’ll ask questions to ChatGPT.

The structure we thought for the article is the following:

  • A brief introduction on what ChatGPT is and what it does
  • the generation of ideas around a specific niche that draws public interest and audience engagement and picking the niche

